This is a direct solder in AGC for only the Bitx40 radios, based off
ND6T's design. The AGC has a S-meter tap as well as RF gain control that
can be remote mounted with a 1k pot.
This is not a kit and will be built ready for install, no hook-up wire is included.
assembly required is to cut one trace, scrape 3 traces for connection
and wire up the DP3T switch which is included for fast/slow/off(bypass).
you would like to try your hand at this as a kit we may offer it by
request only, at the current price point. This is in 0805 package size
with no hand solder pads and will not be easy for inexperienced
All files are available in "My Account-My Orders-Downloads" If for any reason you can not get the files let us know and we will e-mail them.